Sunday, April 30, 2017

Worse Than We Thought Possible

While the Trump administration keeps denying the Russian connections, the evidence that keeps mounting tells a different story. Talk in the US intelligence community is leaking out: two grand juries are nearing their verdicts and we may very soon see criminal charges being brought against several people close to the President, and in due time even the President himself. The charges will concern collusion with Russia to cheat in the election, but also Russian money laundering connecting to large loans from Deutsche Bank to the Trump Organization.

As with Al Capone, the immediate issue that brings Donald Trump down might be his financial crimes, and the sooner he is gone, the better. However, the Russia story is a lot bigger and uglier than anyone thought, and involves dozens of people in and around the White House. The United States will be reeling from the shock for years to come. Hopefully, people will learn something from it. Not Donald Trump, he is way beyond help, but at least some of the people who voted for Trump might learn not to trust a compulsive liar.