Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Prince Jared

Over the course of the past few months, we have seen more and more power being invested in one person in the Trump administration: Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law. He has a downright silly amount of issues in his portfolio, and he doesn't seem to have any particular qualifications for any of them. That in itself is troubling, but now he is being caught up in the Russia scandal as well, having had an undisclosed meeting with the strongly Putin-aligned chairman of Vnesheconombank (VEB) in December 2016 and having taken a big and active part in setting up a database server, allegedly based on stolen Facebook data and US voter registration rolls from some 20 states provided by Russian intelligence. The database was used to "micro-target" US citizens with messages individually tailored to sway them in favor of Donald Trump in the election.

Jared Kushner, like many others in the Trump adminstration, appears to be a lot more than a bystander to the Russia scandal. In fact, as more of this Russia scandal is revealed, we might find that he has the dirtiest hands of the whole bunch. Having this person at the heart of the government, apparently running a large part of it single-handedly, should have us all worried.