Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Fool's Quiz

Ooh! It's April 1, and the President* tweeted a quiz question for us to answer. Let's have a look:
When will Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd and @NBCNews start talking about the Obama SURVEILLANCE SCANDAL and stop with the Fake Trump/Russia story?
Hmm. We need to split the question in two, because it's about two separate and different issues. (And, seriously, "Sleepy Eyes"? Calling names should be beneath you. More on that in a later post.)
When will Chuck Todd and NBC News start talking about the surveillance scandal?
Mr. President*, what a strange question. Chuck Todd and a number of other people at NBC, not to mention lots of other people at most other networks, talked about that quite a lot already, although perhaps not in the manner you would have liked him to. Did you miss it? He's still talking about it when you give him reason to, like after the recent failed attempt by the White House at taking control of the embarrassing story and bury your stupid tweet. Hilariously, you only made yourself look worse in the process, but it was definitely in the news. So, I guess the answer to "When will he start?" is "A good while ago".
When will Chuck Todd stop with the Fake Trump/Russia story?
I was tempted to write "Not until long after you are gone and we finally see the end of the investigations into everything you did to make a complete mess of your short presidency", but I see what you did there, Mr. President*. When will he stop with the "Fake" Trump/Russia story? Well, that's a false pretense, because the Trump/Russia story very clearly isn't "Fake". It's the subject of several ongoing investigations by Congress and the FBI, and they are finding enough to think it's worth to continue. The FBI has been investigating this for months, and they are still at it. Quite honestly, I think you should be worried. But back to the question. The answer to "When will he stop?" would be "He isn't doing it, and he never did".

There is no "Obama surveillance scandal", despite amateurish cloak-and-dagger attempts by the White House to inject some non-specific "evidence" into the House investigation through its gullible chairman. There is, however, a very real, very active and very interesting story about the Trump administration and the Russian interference with the election.

You really should stop watching TV, Mr. President*. It's obviously not good for you. And please stop tweeting, at least until you have something sensible to say. I would also like to ask you to get to work and do your job, but I really don't think you can. Perhaps there is a grown-up in the succession order who could do it for you if you resigned? Preferably one who isn't neck deep in secret deals with Russia, it that's not asking too much.