Monday, April 17, 2017

The Smoking Gun?

Rumors which deserve to be taken seriously, in the form of as yet uncorroborated information from Louise Mensch, a decidedly non-fake and usually trustworthy source with deep personal contacts in US and UK intelligence services, say that there is a smoking gun in the FBI investigation into Donald Trump's ties to Russia. The story reads like a spy novel:

Article by Louise Mensch

Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Boris Epshteyn, a gang of three traitors in Trump's campaign, including an actual FSB spy (Epshteyn) who is the son of two old school Soviet sleeper agents. A tape recording of Trump offering to make political concessions to Russia in exchange for Russian help by hacking the election. Clandestine meetings with Russian intelligence to set things up - meetings that were intercepted by US and UK counterintelligence. The incriminating recording of Trump being in the hands of US investigators. All this according to a source quoted by Louise Mensch.

If this is true, it's a scandal that justifies putting USA under bipartisan emergency management and doing a retake of the entire election. It remains to be seen how deep the connections reach inside the Republican party, but the GOP is very clearly in serious trouble. This kind of scheme doesn't get executed without key players in the political organization being complicit and at least partly in the know.