Thursday, April 13, 2017

Repeal and replace

As is apparent for everyone not in denial over the present condition of the United States government, there is absolutely no chance of President* Trump ever rising to the challenge and becoming good at his job. There are so many things wrong with him that the only thing that might have helped would have been if he had appointed skilled and experienced people for his cabinet, employed good advisors and listened to their advice, and stayed away from making stupid and rash comments on complicated subjects where he has absolutely no clue. Instead, he hired people who are inexperienced, bad at their job, stupid, dishonest, corrupt, criminal, working for a hostile power or downright evil, most even having a combination of those traits. The few people appointed by Donald Trump who are not a disaster at their jobs are being drowned out by a gang of deplorables.

The problem can't be fixed easily. What would be needed is a repeal and replace, not of Obamacare for which the term was coined, but of the entire Trump administration. Seeing how many of them are now being caught in the mess with Russia, there is a real chance of this happening. The question is: how much damage will be done before this freak presidency can be put to an end?