Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Blame Canada!

In his failure to understand basic economics, President* Trump just made a mess of the US relations to Canada, it's closest neighbour and a long time ally and trade partner. The healthy co-dependence between the two nations is based on free trade across their long common border, but Donald Trump said that Canada has "been very rough on" and "outsmarted" the US over the years, so much so that customs tariffs are in order to put "America First". (Canada is in America, but with "America", Trump obviously means "USA".) Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister who is Trump's opposite in most respects, might need to explain to the uneducated 45th President of the United States that trade, contrary to what seems to be the zero-sum world view according to Trump, can benefit both parties to a deal, and that the free trade with Canada, their sensible cousin to the north, helps create many jobs and prosperity in the US.

For a supposedly successful businessman, Donald Trump sure doesn't know a lot of economics. Or of anyting else, for that matter.