Sunday, April 23, 2017

Party Crashing

The Republican Party, the venerable party of Abraham Lincoln, has gotten lost. Tricked into making a demented clown their presidential candidate, played by Russia to run Putin's errands, taken in by greed and lust for power to the point where they resorted to cheating to win an election, it's doubtful whether the GOP will ever be able to recover after the FBI investigation has run to completion and brought to justice all the people who were involved in the scandals surrounding the 2016 presidential election. The rot runs deep, and after the gangrenous limbs have been cut off, there might not be much of value left. That which is still untouched by corruption, treason, fanatism and general ineptitude might never be able to get out from under the heavy shadow of what happened in 2016 and 2017.

Donald Trump took the Republicans for a spin and drove them into the ditch. Their party may be over.