Monday, April 24, 2017

Lame Duck Walking

"If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck", the saying goes. President* Trump is a quack, and as of late he has done nothing but duck the questions about his suspected corrupt finances and his alleged collusion with Russia. He is now reportedly starting to lose the support even of the Republican representatives in Congress. The House resisted his push to take a vote on his failed health care bill in the last minute before his first 100 days as president are over, and his desperate attempts at making Democrats support a budget for his border wall is being ridiculed. He has not managed to pass any significant legislation yet, and he has failed to deliver on almost every promise made during his campaign. His prospects for the future aren't exactly looking good either.

The President is a lame duck. For now, he keeps quacking, but what he says makes less sense than ever. If he weren't in charge of the US armed forces, we could stop caring about him right now. However, a lame, sitting duck may be an easy target, but if that duck is deranged and has nukes, you would be well advised to keep watching it closely.