Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Walls Are Crumbling

Congress has refused to provide initial funding to start the construction of Trump's stupid symbolic project: the border wall against Mexico. Not even his own party members are willing to spend billions on a project that is not going to have any positive effects.

Trump's firewalls are failing as well: the stooges who were supposed to provide protection for him in the various congressional committees are either resigning, recusing themselves or suddenly deciding to actually do their jobs and investigate the many strange and suspicious activities of the Trump administration. House Intelligence chair Devin Nunes has recused himself, House Oversight chair Jason Chaffetz is resigning and chair Richard Burr of the Senate Intelligence committee is suddenly redoubling his efforts to get the Trump-Russia investigation up to speed.

At the same time, Donald Trump's business is under investigation for suspected financial crimes. It's likely that his empire will not survive the public scrutiny that comes with being the President of the United States.

And on top of all that, Donald Trump himself has severe problems hiding his mental instability. Despite the attempts from his closest aides to manage him and shield him, it is becoming clear to everyone that there is something seriously wrong with his brain.

The walls are coming down on President Trump, all at once.