Thursday, April 6, 2017

Dead Horse

Right-wing press and the Trump administration have a habit of teaming up around distractions and bounce them back and forth, to avoid talking about the elephant in the room: the Russia scandal. The distractions have changed over time: blame Obama, blame Hillary, find the leakers, it's the Deep State, millions of people voted illegally, we totally have a health care bill, and other lies. However, that Russian elephant is becoming harder to ignore for each day of revelations, and they need big distractions. Their latest frenzy has been a misguided attempt at defending the indefensible accusation by Donald Trump that "President Obama had Trump Tower wire tapped during the election campaign".

Most of the "usual suspects" have now jumped on the train to blame another old adversary: Susan Rice, former National Security Advisor to President Obama. She is accused of unmasking the names of people in the Trump transition team, for "political reasons", when they were caught in incidental surveillance of Russian intelligence agents. Nothing has been found that corroborates the apparently made-up wire tapping tweet by Donald Trump, but he and most of his party, along with their followers in the "actual fake" media (as opposed to the "allegedly fake" mainstream media) are staying on the train, realizing that it might be the last train to leave the station. The problem is that the train goes to Russia, where they really don't want to go at this point. They should have checked before boarding.

Finding themselves near the end of this line, and running out of side tracks to create distraction, a large number of people and organizations are now not only beating the same dead horse, they are actually betting their fortunes, their reputations and their jobs on that dead horse winning a race. They will probably keep insisting it has a chance of winning until a good while after the race is over, but eventually, the truth about the horse's demise will catch up to them. When that happens, they will lose everything.