Monday, April 10, 2017

Cost: $90M. Value: zero.

A few days after the supposedly decisive and forceful US retaliation against an air field near Homs in Syria, the controversies and the questions surrounding the attack only seem to create more headache for President* Trump. There are strong indications that this was all an event coordinated with Russia to put on a show, in order to give Trump a credible example of standing up against Russian interests.

The 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles that were launched cost $90 million, but had no real effect. The air field was left operational on purpose, and its runways were used the very next day to launch Syrian and Russian fighters. President Assad seems as intent as ever to wipe out every single civilian in his population who opposes him, Russia and Iran are still backing Assad and, quite amazingly, the military action by Trump did absolutely nothing to improve his ratings. He still hovers around a troublesome 40 percent approval, which is historically low for a new President.

The show was a huge waste of money, and it had no effect. If anything, it added to the dark cloud of alleged Russian influence hanging over the Trump presidency. The strange coincidences are too many, and the cover-ups around the strong and numerous connections and ties to Putin are becoming more obvious each day.

When a US president can't catch a break even by military action abroad, he is in deep trouble.