Monday, April 3, 2017

Agent Orange

Among the many things that President* Trump does badly is name calling. With the creativity and wit of a child of five, he attaches literal, unfunny descriptions to people's names and doesn't let go. During his campaign to become the Republican candidate, he referred to his opponents by first name only, and added slurs like "Lyin' Ted" (Cruz), "Little Marco" (Rubio) and "Crooked Hillary" (Clinton).

Considering how President* Trump himself is such an easy target for mockery, it's strange that he continues on this path. Calling Chuck Todd of MSNBC "Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd" in a tweet last night really did nothing to mock Chuck Todd, who is anything but asleep on his job. Thus, criticizing him for having sleepy eyes is not a witty insult, just a mean-spirited and small-minded random comment on his looks, which does little more than reflect badly on the accuser.

Mr. President*, if you are now going to resort to name calling, you should at least make the names funny and clever. That's how grown-ups do it, so please be more creative. For some examples regarding names for yourself, see below. Because we have heard you have no sense of humor, we added explanations.

Trumplethinskin, a play on the name of the evil and stupid gnome Rumplestiltskin from fairy tales, with an allusion to your sensitivity to any form of criticism.
Toddler-in-chief, painting the scary image of an immature child with the power to launch a nuclear strike during a tantrum.

Fake President Trump, taking your preposterous accusations against mainstream media and throwing them back at you, accusing you of being an impostor and a fraud.

Agent Orange, because you use way too much bronzer, and you also happen to be investigated by the FBI over possible dealings with Russia. "Agent Orange" was also the infamous code name for a herbicide used in the Vietnam war, adding a dark undertone of associations to Nixon and a dark time for the nation.

President-reject, sounding like "president-elect", the title for a not yet sworn-in president, and implying that you are a disaster on the job.

See how this is so much more funny than something like "Bad Donald"?

If you still don't get it, ask your advisers for help. I'm sure they can do better than you.