Saturday, April 22, 2017

Keeping Up Appearances

President* Trump is going down. Any day now, the slow but thorough investigation by the FBI will reach the stage where big names are going to be arrested. Waiting for that bomb to drop must be very distracting for everyone who knows they are a potential target, so it's no wonder that the White House is more or less paralyzed right now.

Approaching 100 days in charge, Donald Trump has failed to deliver on any of his campaign promises, and has passed no significant legislation. He is by far the most ineffective US president in modern history. His desperate claims to the contrary ring hollow and only serve to demonstrate how far detached he is from reality. His state of mind seems to be deteriorating rapidly, and it's painful to watch.

The President is keeping up appearances, or at least trying to, but in reality, he is no longer in control of the situation and will probably accomplish nothing of significance during whatever remains of his presidency. Developments during his first 100 days indicate that he might not last another 100 days on the job.