Wednesday, April 12, 2017


I never thought I would find any use for the word in the headline, but it applies to the current trend in the palace intrigues of the White House. From the look of it, it appears that Steve Bannon is being sidelined by the Trump clan, and his disestablishmentarian agenda to "deconstruct the administrative state" which he has been whispering in the President's ear is now being opposed by more moderate and, to a certain extent, more reasonable voices like those of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump. The obvious problems with nepotism aside, they tend to have a calming influence on the mentally unstable, clueless, impulsive and vindictive fool who is the current US President, and he trusts them. President* Trump is still dangerous, but he seems to be less of a loose cannon with his family members around him.

When Bannon goes, his close allies Sebastian Gorka and Stephen Miller with probably leave the administration as well. Good riddance. It never made any sense having either of them in the White House. Of course, getting them out won't make the Trump administration any better - they will still be incompetent and clueless. However, without Steve Bannon pulling the strings, the situation will be slightly less scary.