Saturday, April 22, 2017

April March for Science

On Earth Day, a massive amount of people in the United States took to the streets to show their support for science and their disdain for the Trump administration's hostile attitude towards facts, objective truth and scientific evidence. Marches and gatherings were held in 500 places across the country, and in the larger cities the crowds amounted to tens of thousands of people. Taken together, hundreds of thousands of Americans marched for science and against climate change denial.

In the face of all this, President* Trump couldn't credibly claim that all these people were paid protesters, so instead he ignored the demonstrations.

The White House sent out an official statement about how they were dedicated to science and wanted to protect the environment, a text so full of blatant, bald-faced lies that it was shameful.

Donald Trump personally kept himself busy tweeting nonsense, lies and distractions while watching Fox News.