Monday, April 3, 2017

Sad, Sad Donald

A tweet today from President* Trump:
Did Hillary Clinton ever apologize for receiving the answers to the debate? Just asking!
This is utterly sad, not because of its content as such, but because of its context.

In his small and clouded mind, consumed by bitterness, alone with his thoughts and unable to comprehend the situation, he remembers an old perceived mistreatment by a moderator in a town hall debate during the campaign. When his world is crumbling, when a scandal of devastating proportions is being uncovered around him and his administration, this is what he remembers and tweets about, somehow believing that anyone but him would think it still matters and stop looking where the real news is happening.

Reality no longer matters to Donald Trump. Cornered and facing defeat, he is reduced to a small, sad, trembling shadow of a person, and he has absolutely no idea what to do.

His presidency is coming to an end.