Sunday, April 30, 2017

Wanted: Stupid People

Donald Trump chose not to attend the White House correspondents' dinner. Instead, he organized a rally in Harrisburg. Despite his struggles with popularity and a growing number of supporters abandoning him, he drew a decent crowd of nitwits who were still prepared to put up with his narcissist self-promotion. However, as usual, he chose to exaggerate the crowd size by telling obvious lies, saying that there were lots of people outside waiting to get in (there were none), and hat he broke the attendance record for the arena (he did not, as there were entire sections of empty seats).

He then went on to attacking "fake media" for not acknowledging his achievements, which are few and small, and focusing on his failures, which are large and plentiful. He also claimed that he is fulfilling his campaign promises, when in reality he has done just the opposite. As usual, his lies were transparent, predictable and utterly ridiculous.

And yet, the audience cheered.

Obviously, there is a crowd in the US who have a low enough intelligence to be persuaded by this total opposite of the truth. People who stick with Donald Trump must also be lazy enough not to check facts, and so small minded that they believe that the entire mainstream media is somehow conspiring against an innocent victim when they write about the train wreck that is Donald Trump's presidency.

Fortunately, it appears as if there aren't enough stupid people even in the United States. Donald Trump is failing bigly on all fronts, and people are noticing.