Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sean Spicer, Propaganda Minister

Some people say they feel sorry for Sean Spicer when he gets hammered by journalists during his press briefings in the White House. That's ridiculous. He might have been taken by surprise on his first day, when he was ordered by President* Trump to tell obvious lies which were immediately exposed, but now he is doing it deliberately, willingly and seemingly without remorse.

In recent press conferences, he has insisted that the press should stop covering the investigation into the Russian interference with the election and the many apparent connections between the Trump administration and Russia, and told them to instead look at the unfounded claims that President Obama had Donald Trump illegally wire tapped for political purposes. With that, he is trying to deflect attention from what is probably the most dramatic story ever in US politics to a pathetic, unfounded accusation by Donald Trump, made on Twitter without quoting any sources either then or later.

Sean Spicer is now acting like a mindless mouthpiece and has lost all credibility. We should not pity him. He is not being held hostage by Donald Trump. He is choosing to do his job in this bizarre manner every day, and there is no excuse for it.

The honorable thing for him to do would be to announce his resignation, and to acknowledge that his job has been about lying from day one. It wouldn't excuse his despicable actions during the past couple of months, but it would restore some hope and faith in humanity. The United States needs a White House press secretary. It does not need a propaganda minister.