Thursday, June 29, 2017

Right Back At Ya

Donald Trump has no imagination when it comes to insults. Whenever he is criticizing others or calling people names, it seems like he ends up opening a window into his psyche to blurt out something that is actually a reflection of himself. During the campaign he used slurs like "crooked Hillary", "lying Ted", "low energy Jeb", "little Marco" and, tellingly, "crazy Bernie". All of these epithets can be rightfully attached to Trump: a criminal and habitual liar who often appears aloof and disinterested, who is fundamentally insecure despite his wealth and power, and who is increasingly mentally unstable. After taking office, he went after media calling them "fake news", but his own lies are obviously aimed at creating a false narrative where Trump is good, and everyone criticizing him is bad. When his ratings plummet, he says that CNN and NY Times are "failing" despite evidence that both are very successful and attract more viewers/readers than ever before. Trump, however, is losing support from his voters with every tweet.

A while ago, he called Chuck Tood at NBC "sleepy eyes Chuck" for no apparent reason, just when the taxing task of governing started to make Trump lose sleep and feel miserable about his job. Now, he accuses the hosts of Morning Joe on MSNBC, Joe Scarborouh and Mika Brzesinski, for the faults he should see in himself. He makes a full frontal attack through Twitter, calling them "psycho Joe" and "low IQ crazy Mika". Neither label sticks on them, but Trump is obviously not right in the head, and it might start to dawn on him that he is not nearly as smart as he would need to be to occupy the oval Office.

"low IQ crazy psycho Trump". Yep. Sounds right.