Monday, June 26, 2017


The latest Republican attempt at a health care bill has finally been released for scrutiny, after having been drafted in ridiculous secrecy. The text is everything people feared: it's not really about reforming health care, it's about dismantling "Obamacare" and removing access to affordable health care insurance for tens of millions of people. The money saved will be used to give large tax cuts to the very rich, mostly the top 0.1% of Americans.

What the Republicans are trying to do is a massively unpopular move, even among their own voter base. Taking health care away from people in great need will result in the death of thousands each year, and for what? Giving money to those who don't actually need it? This looks like political suicide from the Republican party. Their financers and their inner circle might think it's a great idea, but they still need voters to remain in power. Their strategy so far has been to first keep the legislation secret for as long as possible, and then to tell blatant lies about what it will mean to citizens. It's not working, and they are being called out for it. The bill is being characterized as "heartless", "evil", even "homicidal". And still, they try to ram it through.
This is not how to govern in a democracy. It's reminiscent of the plutocracy in countries like Russia, where a small group of extremely wealthy people are allowed to enrich themselves further by government-administered robbing of ordinary people.

Seriously, what are they thinking? Why are they doing this? How do they think they are going to survive politically if the bill passes?