Monday, June 12, 2017

Good At Being Stupid

There is no doubt that Donald Trump is dim-witted, although it's unclear whether it's by birth or by dementia, and many of the people around him appear to be stupid as well. What's more, their stupidity appears to be bad enough for them not to realize that they are indeed stupid. Some of them, like Trump himself, even sem to think they are smarter than everyone else. Psychologists describe the Dunning-Kruger effect: people of some talent recognize better skill in others, but people without talent fail to see the difference between good and bad work.

Most people in the Trump administration seem blissfully unaware of their own lack of skill and talent for what they do. They actually think they are doing a good job. Sadly, this makes it very unlikely that they will ever improve. They are good at being stupid, and they will keep it up until they are removed from office.