Saturday, July 1, 2017

An Audience Of One

Donald Trump's tweets have now definitely descended into crazy territory. He is trying to reinforce his crumbling pack of lies with even more lies, and apparently he assumes that his readers won't bother checking with other sources or even think for themselves.

His recent attack on the hosts of MSNBC's show Morning Joe is telling. Over the course of just a few short, incomplete and badly crafted sentences, he managed to pack in a surprising number of lies, even by his own standards. Every single one of those lies are easily disproven. From the look of it, he isn't even trying any longer. The case might be that he is now only pandering to himself, clinging to his own Trump-centric version of reality in a last feverish dream of being a real president while everything is coming apart around him.

Donald Trump! The world has given up on you and is waiting for you to resign, so we can get on with things that actually matter. Your delusional attacks on media are unfit for a leader of a free country, your monetary transactions are shady to the extreme, and you had your grubby little hands deep into the mess with Russian meddling with the election. Please just resign and let the investigators do their job in peace. You will probably end up in jail for the rest of your life, but you deserve that, and you know it. While you are waiting   for the hammer to fall, you have absolutely no business being the President of the United States.