Tuesday, June 27, 2017

An American Hero

Brian Karen, journalist for the little known publication The Sentinel Newspaper, did something today that someone should have done long ago: he ripped into the lies of the White House, as told by complicit tool Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She repeated Trump's preposterous claim that the Russian meddling in the election is a hoax. When she went on a rant, called CNN a "disgrace to media" and claimed that mainstream media are constantly making up their own news at will, Brian Karen interrupted her and told her that her accusation was inflammatory to every reporter in the room, and that her job is to answer questions, not to wrongfully accuse honest, hard working reporters of spreading "fake news".

Sanders responded that she "totally disagreed" with what Brian Karen said, and moved on to taking a couple of softball questions from Fox News. She didn't admit to anything, but the ice has been broken, and we can perhaps hope for this to start a trend. The constant lies from the White House need to be called out for what they are instead of being ignored but accepted as normal, or as in the case of Fox News and other right wing outlets, swallowed and repeated to the world without shame.