Friday, June 16, 2017

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Is it possible that Donald Trump was unaware of the financial and political ties between people in his administration and Russian interests? Yes. He might be a bystander to all this. It's unlikely, but possible. It would certainly explain his bitternness towards journalists if he truly doesn't know that Russia interfered with the election in several ways.

Would that be an excuse? No. He is obsessing over the story instead of letting the investigations run their course, he is grossly incompetent and refuses to understand even the most basic facts of democratic government, and his erratic behavior is a sign of a person who is not well in the head. His fan base is leaving him, both in Congress and in public, and he has no business being the President of the United States of America. His own lack of restraint has made matters much worse for him lately, and his unhinged crazy tweets have made him look a like a guilty liar rather than a hapless, innocent bystander. He might be going down because of his own tweets and careless public statements, but he is going down nonetheless.