Saturday, June 17, 2017

Old Man Yells At Cloud

The peculiar construct that is President Donald Trump is coming apart at the seams. No wonder, because it was old and worn and not very well built. Reports tell stories of a man obsessing over the "cloud" of the Russia scandal, yelling at his TV and talking crazy conspiracy theories. Whatever attempts he made to do his job and run the country are no longer on the agenda. His focus is now entirely on the investigations about him and his staff, and the White House is in disarray, paralyzed by the lack of leadership.

The attempts at pretending that everything is fine are failing as well. As the intelligence leaks gradually reveal the depth and extent of the scandal surrounding the President, and as the suspects lawyer up, it becomes abundantly clear that Donald Trump is finished, not only as president, but as a businessman, as a brand, and as a person. He will not be missed by many.