Friday, June 16, 2017

Draco Dormiens Nihil Titillandum

Trump and his allies are mounting desperate counterattacks to the revelations that more and more of them are being sucked up into the criminal investigations by the FBI, Congress and Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Because they have run out of other options, their strategy is to attack the messenger. However, with Mueller it backfired spectacularly. He has a solid reputation for being fair and impartial, and those who try to discredit him now are making enemies of the entire intelligence community. As a result, there has been an increased stream of leaks from within the intelligence agencies, hinting at a much bigger and more serious scandal than expected, and also mentioning the existence of audio recordings that prove both collusion with Russian interests and financial corruption by several top people in Trump's campaign, his transition team and his administration.

For Donald Trump and several of his associates, it's time to stop talking and prepare for legal action against them. This is big, it's ugly, and it's not going to go away no matter what they say or do. Their day of reckoning is approaching.