Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Asking For Trouble

President* Donald Trump is stupid, dishonest and absolutely terrible at what he does, but now he is also very obviously miserable on the job. His cabinet tried to lift his spirits by putting on a bizarre show which could have been taken from Kim Jong-Uns North Korea: his cabinet secretaries took turns to heap grossly exaggerated and undeserved praise on him while the media covered the meeting. By the look of it, it didn't help.

Once again, Trump is contemplating the worst possible move in the current situation: he is reportedly considering firing independent counsel Robert Mueller, the person responsible for investigating the Russia scandal.

Firing Robert Mueller would be the direct equivalent of what made Congress finally turn on Richard Nixon. Not even Trump, with his loose grip on reality, can be unaware of that. Is he actively trying to get himself impeached? Quitting is not his thing, but he might finally realize that his attempts at staying on the job are futile and looking for an exit where he can claim unfair treatment and go down fighting, at least in his own mind to stroke his huge but brittle ego.

We may actually be looking at Donald Trump trying to get fired.

Or, we are looking at a person so detached from reality that he simply doesn't understand that the world wants him gone. Given his track record, both options sound plausible.