Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Spatial Unawareness

There is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump. His presence of mind and his awareness of his surroundings seem to be severely limited, and his facial recognition skills appear strangely degraded. In his first full cabinet meeting, he said "Let's start with the Vice President. Where's the Vice President?" and swiveled his head. Mike Pence was seated right in front of Trump, on the other side of the table, in the designated seat of the Vice President. Trump had just made a small but laughably untrue speech about his own greatness, giving him plenty of time to take in the room, but he was unaware of who was seated next to him, and it visibly required some effort on his behalf to recognize Pence.

A person with dementia will gradually lose the abilities that Donald Trump appears to be losing: awareness, focus, face recognition, logic reasoning. It's not just his shrinking vocabulary that has people worried. His entire appearance is now screaming of a senile old man.