Friday, June 9, 2017

Disgraceful Exit?

Now that we can see the end of President Trump, one question is whether he will ever admit to any wrongdoings. He never does that, ever, but his gullible base of die-hard Trump supporters need to hear him say something to make them understand that he conned them into voting for a crook. If he goes down claiming his innocence and sticking to the pathetic story that this is all a witch hunt directed by the deep state, there will be a large amount of people in the United States who genuinely believe that they had "their" president taken away from them. They are already disregarding the fact that he obviously favors only already wealthy people, that he doesn't care one bit about his voter base, and that he actually tries to pass legislation that would make lives harder for most ordinary citizens. It's not hard to imagine that they can ignore more facts. They will believe Trump if he keeps claiming that he is innocent, no matter how much evidence is presented or how many case are brought against him.

It is important that Donald Trump confesses and apologizes at the end of this crazy episode in US politics or, if he is too embarrassed or too stubborn to face the nation, that someone close to him makes the apology on his behalf. If his voter base is left wondering whether he was innocent, USA is facing domestic trouble with a risk of violent riots against whomever succeedsTrump as president.

Let's hope that Donald Trump, despite his deeply deluded mind, can find a way to come clean in public after the bitter end. It would be a better way to go than to deny everything.