Saturday, June 24, 2017

Losing It

President* Trump is losing everything. He is losing every fight with the courts on his travel ban. He is losing his support among voters and Republican members of Congress. He is losing members of his administration. He is losing control over the news, as he is trying in vain to suppress the flow of information from a White House in disarray. He is losing his wife, seeing how she publicly keeps her distance, sometimes even treating him with scournful disdain. Donald Trump is even losing his mind. Whether his increasing cognitive problems are due to dementia, mental illness, exhaustion, age or plain stupidity, or some combination of those, he is no longer making any sense. He never did, really, but now it's more obvious than ever that there is no deep thought behind anything he says. From the look of it, he is losing his grip on reality, and pretty soon he will be losing his job.

Trump is a dragonfly president, putting all focus on getting through the day and assuming he will be gone tomorrow. And at every single turn, he is losing.