Thursday, June 15, 2017

Great Comedy

Malcolm Turnbull, prime minister of Australia, was caught on tape performing a monologue mocking Donald Trump. The performance was supposed to have been off the record, but frankly, it would have been a shame. Turnbull happens to be great at comedy. His timing and delivery is spot on, the clip is hilarious, and it went viral. Great material, masterfully delivered, with feeling, to a captive audience. I won't link to it, because the audio is likely to be taken down and move around, but it will probably remain on the Internet indefinitely. Google it. It's short, sweet and burning.

We should probably expect Donald Trump to declare trade war with Australia or something like that in return. He clearly has no humor when it comes to himself. In any case, Turnbull will probably not be invited to the White House again for as long as Trump is the President. In other words, not for at least several weeks.