Thursday, June 8, 2017

Defending the Indefensible

At what point will the Republicans in Congress stop closing their ranks behind President Trump, stop supporting him and start asking for his head? Wity every new piece of information coming out concerning Trump's complete lack of talent for the job, his strange economy and shady dealings with Russians, his backers in the House and the Senate are making themselves look like active accomplices by not crying foul and asking him to resign.

The Republican Party is tethering itself to a sinking ship in hope of keeping it afloat for just a little bit longer, when the right thing to do would be to cut loose and leave the ship to sink. The chances of getting anything done under this president are slim to none. Wouldn't it be better to simply face reality, get out while they can still save face, rebuild the party while there is still something left to save, and try to win an election for real next time?

Republicans ought to be ashamed. In fact, they should be beyond shame and bring out the pitchforks. But I guess they don't think anything like me.