Friday, June 2, 2017

Everybody Except USA

With the announcement that he intends to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord, a deal that was created largely through US leadership and US initiatives, Donald Trump has once again shown that he is isolating the United States from the rest of the world. He has previously distanced himself from the EU, the UN and NATO, as well as his neighbours Mexico and Canada, just to name a few. His isolationist policy is not rational. Its roots are to be found in his obsolete and misinformed view of the world, and it will leave the United States behind when the rest of the world moves forward.

Donald Trump is a sad, lonely person, spending his evenings alone in the White House, obsessing over some imaginary conspiracy or "unfair" treatment, shouting at his TV instead of doing his job. He is a bully and nobody wants to play with him. If his decisions to withdraw from international collaborations continue, it won't be long before the United States is also a sad nation alone against the world, for no good reason.

The President is currently burning bridges and destroying the international reputation of the United States, doing damage that will be hard to undo when he is removed from office either for his financial crimes or his treasonous acts to steal the election. It would be wise to speed up his removal by any legal means that are available.