Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Fake Trump Tweeting

Someone finally took Donald Trump's phone away from him. This morning, his personal Twitter account was very obviously managed by someone else, trying to impersonate him but forgetting that he doesn't know big words like "excoriate". In an apparent attempt at humanizing him, a tweet used self-deprecation and humor, neither of which are concepts he can grasp, and a third tweet expressed concern over how his son Barron reacted to a particularly tasteless image in media. It's doubtful whether he cares enough about Barron, an estranged son living with his estranged wife, to look past himself in the midst of a scandal that is consuming him.

The person who manages @realDonaldTrump can just as well stop trying right now. Even if Donald Trump is somehow still in the loop while a responsible adult tweets in his name, his tweets are definitely no longer his own message, but the product of some coherent and lucid spin doctor. A managed, filtered Trump is a fake Trump, and while we may be better off without Trump himself tweeting at us, these innocuous, ersatz Trump tweets are just boring.