Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Why, Indeed?

Desperate tweets by President* Trump late last night, lashing out against his old nemesis instead of facing up to his own problems:
Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech....
 (9 minutes delay here. He is not a quick writer.)
...money to Bill, the Hillary Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!
Yes, Mr. President*, why indeed aren't they investigating the Clintons? Because nobody gave them that task? Because these accusations have been debunked long ago as overblown and false? Because YOU are the President and not Bill or Hillary Clinton? Because the Russian hackers helped YOU win the election by throwing dirt on Hillary Clinton? Because these allegations, even if they were true, would be nothing compared to what YOU have done? Because there is an FBI investigation into YOUR ties to Russia? Because a dozen of YOUR associates are being exposed for shady dealings with Russian interests? Because YOU are looking more guilty with every desperate tweet?

Gee, I don't know. Why?

If all the Trump-Russia stories are a hoax, despite strong indications to the contrary, we will find out. However, if it's not a hoax, the President is only making the situation worse by denying it. Trying his old, worn-out trick of deflecting attention from himself to the Clintons shows just how desperate he is, and that he has run out of ideas. With each passing day, it becomes more obvious that the actions of President* Trump and his lackeys are a cover-up of... something. And he thinks we're getting too close.


Update: one day later, he addressed the media with the same message:
Why doesn't Fake News talk about Podesta ties to Russia as covered by @FoxNews or money from Russia to Clinton - sale of Uranium?
Yes, why wouldn't media respond favorably to an insult and start parroting your lies? Hmm?

There are many signs of distress here: using his tired slur "fake news", referring to Fox News as a credible source, picking two talking points that have already been dismissed by fact checkers as unfounded speculation based on misconceptions, and making a desperate repeat when he doesn't get the attention he wanted. President* Trump is backed into a corner and has no idea what to do.

An innocent person would not try this hard to distract attention, and people are noticing.