Thursday, March 16, 2017

Losing it

This is it: President Trump is losing his mind. He has been slipping for a long time, but now it looks as if he is over the edge. His most recent interview on Fox showed a paranoid man desperately trying to cling to his pathetic personal bubble of delusions rather than just admit that he misheard a Fox report about a Breitbart article and made some crazy stuff up to fill in the blanks just before he sent out his disastrous tweets about President Obama having ordered a wire tap on him in Trump Tower.

His incoherent ramblings didn't make any kind of sense. His story shifted during the bizarre interview, with President Trump stuttering and hesitating as if he was making things up on the spot. He said he had evidence that was going to be submitted "soon", but he also admitted it was something he saw on TV, and that "certain things" would be revealed over the next couple of weeks. He also claimed he read "something" to support his allegations in the New York Times, which he has been calling a "failing" newspaper. After placing the burden on the Congress Intelligence committee to find proof for his absolutely baseless accusations, he suddenly said "Let's see whether or not I prove it. I just don't choose to do it right now." Apparently, he just needs some time to find the proof he totally has already, and besides, the truth will come out eventually anyway, and he will be proven right. Right? Take that, dishonest leftist media bastards at every news organization except Fox! Everybody but Fox is fake news. And some of Fox is fake as well. You may think he's crazy, but he will be proven right. Soon. It's true. Just you wait and see.


The wait is over, Mr. President, and the truth in the matter, the truth which you are so desperately afraid of telling, is that you don't have any kind of proof other than a Fox News mention of a trashy Breitbart fake news article about an old Mark Levin radio show, a news blurb which you misunderstood and stubbornly refuse to cite as your only source. You could still put this issue to rest with a simple retraction and an apology, and your failure to do so is not just strange - it's sick. If this is a distraction, it's a strange choice of distraction, because it is absolutely devastating to your reputation and your ability to get anything done during whatever remains of your presidency.

President Donald J Trump is mentally ill, suffering from delusions and paranoia, and needs to be forcefully removed from office before he does something rash and hurts people. The United States cannot function properly as long as its highest office is held by a deranged old fool trying to fake it on his job. He was in above his head even before his mental breakdown.

Just to show you how far gone his mind is, here's one exchange from that extremely friendly and soft Fox interview:
Q: Who do you talk to for military advice right now?

A: Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.
President Donald Trump claims, seriously, that he gets his military advice from watching TV. Oh, and some generals and whatnot. But first and foremost, from watching TV.

This president is crazy.

Disclaimer: these are my opinions. You can have them if you want, but they are still mine.