Sunday, March 5, 2017

Reality refuses to bend to Donald Trump's will

On Sunday morning, the former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, went public on NBC:s "Meet The Press" and clearly denied that any wire tapping took place in Trump Tower during his time in office from 2010 to the end of Obama's presidency. He stated in no uncertain terms that he "would definitely have known about" a FISA warrant, and that it never happened.

There is no longer any doubt that Donald J Trump once again sank to the level of using his unique and strong platform as the President* of the United States to regurgitate an outlandish lie and a conspiracy theory taken straight from crazy right-wing news outlets. However, his request that the Congress Intelligence Committees look into his unfounded accusations remain. Congressman Jim Himes responded via Twitter: "as a member of the committee onto which you've dumped this mess, I look forward to seeing your evidence".

On the bright side, President* Trump asking his secretary to print out a short Breitbart story and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees dismissing that "evidence" shouldn't take long. The toddler-in-chief might use his marker pen to circle the words "Obama" and "silent coup", but that still doesn't make it true.