Monday, March 6, 2017

Off to Mar-a-la-la-land

We should seriously question the mental stability of President* Trump. His wild accusations against Barack Obama failed to convince anyone, and he spent his weekend at Mar-a-Lago in Florida fuming and ranting over it. According to the Washington Post, he ran into his old friend Christopher Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax, on the golf course, and he vented to him over dinner on Saturday. Ruddy said that Trump told him: “This will be investigated. It will all come out. I will be proven right.” Ruddy further added about Trump that “He was pissed. I haven’t seen him this angry.”

James Comey, director of the FBI, has made a request that the Department of Justice release an official statement to debunk the false claims about Obama wire tapping Trump Tower. When nobody at the DOJ rose to the challenge, Comey didn't wait. Instead, he decided to make his request known to the public. When the director of the FBI feels an urgent need to tell the country that the President* is lying, it spells serious trouble for that President*.

President* Trump has been living in a bubble of denial, and now he seems to be entering a state of outright paranoia. This is not going to end well for him, and I fear he will do more harm before he's done.