Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Incoming! Exiting?

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said in an informal meeting with the press that she thinks President Trump "is going to get himself out", implying that she expects him to resign when we see the results of the investigation into the ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. She is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and has seen evidence that most of us have not, so her statement, albeit made in passing, carries some weight. It's likely to be more than just wishful thinking on her behalf.

Then, on March 21, Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), tweeted this:
Get ready for impeachment.
Whoa. Seriously? Yes, apparently, but she did not elaborate further. That was all she wrote: 26 characters. Does she know something, or is this just her trolling of President Trump, perhaps to provoke him to make a mistake?

Note that she didn't even say who was going to be impeached, or who was supposed to get ready. She didn't tweet this at someone in particular. She does seem to think it's imminent, though. Let's see what happens. (I'm making popcorn.)