Monday, March 20, 2017

Double whammy from Comey

The testimony from FBI director James Comey appearing before the House intelligence committee on Monday, March 20, was devastating for President* Trump. First, Comey made the highly unusual move of commenting on an ongoing investigation, by confirming that since June 2016 there is an active FBI investigation into the Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election, including any possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign organization.

Let's repeat that for emphasis: The FBI director confirmed that there is an ongoing FBI investigation into the Russian meddling with the US election process, and into any contacts and collusion between Russian agents and the Trump campaign.

He further said that the FBI would pursue the investigation wherever the evidence takes it. He provided no details on the progress of the investigation, and we should not expect any until it's finished.

Having an FBI director even confirm the existence of an ongoing investigation is highly unusual.

In addition to this absolutely disastrous blow to President* Trump, Comey completely debunked the deceitful accusation that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower before the election. Everyone and their uncle have now said that this claim is completely bogus, including a long list of high ranking members from both sides of the aisle in Congress, current and former chiefs of intelligence, current and former members of cabinet, and now even the British intelligence agency GCHQ, which practically never speaks out in public.

President Trump told a huge, stupid and slanderous lie about Obama wire tapping him in Trump Tower. This made him look like a complete idiot, and he made the situation even worse by sticking with the lie after it was exposed. Even after the Monday hearings, he refused to back down and sent his press secretary to once again embarrass himself on TV and have his weak defense torn to shreds. Why the President* thought this would be a good idea is a mystery. The aftermath of the hearing was a last chance for him to admit that he based his accusations on unsubstantiated rumors from nut jobs in fake news. He chose not to seize that opportunity.

President* Trump has now lost all credibility and is going down. It might take a long time for him to actually fall, but it's hard to see any honorable way out of this for him.