Thursday, March 23, 2017

What's the Rush?

Today, the House of Representatives votes on the American Health Care Act, the Republican attempt at a "repeal and replace" of the Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as "Obamacare". The bill put in front of the House is a terrible rush job, haphazardly thrown together almost without any consideration to its consequences. Intense negotiations are making last minute changes to squeeze the vote through, despite significant opposition from Republicans.

Why the rush? Making such a total mess of a law that will affect almost every US citizen is mind-bogglingly reckless. Living in a country (Sweden) where universal health care was introduced in 1955, I can only watch in astonishment. House speaker Paul Ryan might be counting on the bill to fail in the Senate, but if the bill is so bad that nobody really likes it, why rush the vote? Why not do this right?