Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The President is naked

"Liar, liar, pants on fire". President* Trump's constant lies have now reached the point where any sane person must realize that he is talking complete nonsense. White House spokespeople are faced with the impossible task of twisting and spinning his ridiculous lies into something that doesn't sound crazy, and they are making a terribly botched job of it. President* Donald Trump is now being ridiculed even by many of his former supporters, and he no longer has any credibility outside of his most hardcore base of fact-resistant voters.

This is not normal, but he is very obviously not going to stop. Therefore, while we are waiting for the investigations into his misconduct to bear fruit and hopefully either impeach him or force him to resign, we need to stop paying any attention to anything he says. Some of us should keep calling him out on his lies, and people with a dark sense of humor might wish to tune in now and then for the bizarre entertainment value, but it is time to stop believing anything that comes out of his mouth. He lies about anything, and he lies all the time. Pay attention to what he is doing, but ignore what he is saying.

The President is naked. He always was, but people are finally noticing. And it's not a pretty sight.