Thursday, March 16, 2017

"Believe me"

President Trump went to Nashville on March 15 to hold a rally. Yes, the election is over, and the next presidential election is not until 2020, but apparently, Donald Trump needs to have his ego reaffirmed by a cheering crowd. It didn't go down too well, though, and the crowd wasn't large enough by far to fill the 9,700 seats.

The Republican attempt at a health care bill is facing strong opposition and internal debate. The revised version of the Muslim travel ban was blocked just hours before the rally. The President's popularity is historically low and dropping in the polls, his unsubstantiated claim that he was wire tapped by President Obama remains unsubstantiated, his economic ties to foreign powers is being investigated, et cetera. His growing list of setbacks and annoyances rained on his parade in Nashville - figuratively speaking, of course, because rain never falls on parades and speeches by Donald Trump.

In a passage where he whined about having his precious travel ban blocked, for the same reasons as his original travel ban, President Trump said "The ruling makes us look weak" as a country, adding "By the way, we no longer are". And then, to top it off, he couldn't resist adding his verbal tic: "Believe me." Saying "believe me", "it's true" and other similar things is often an indication to the opposite. People who are telling the truth seldom feel the urge to reinforce the fact that they are telling the truth, while liars are often worried, at least subconsciously, that their lies will be exposed.

Well, Mr. President, America not only looks weak, but it is weak. You are a weak president, and you are not leading the country. Instead, you have weakened it by dividing it and pitting its citizens against each other, you have paralyzed the government by your sheer incompetence, you have been focusing on far too many unimportant, petty squabbles, and you have been telling big fat lies instead of doing your job. The world is mocking you, for very good reasons, and your enemies are rejoicing. And, just to make it absolutely clear:

No, Mr. President. We don't believe you.