Monday, March 13, 2017

The irony curtain

We were just treated to this amazing Twitter message from President* Trump:
It is amazing how rude much of the media is to my very hard working representatives. Be nice, you will do much better!
I literally laughed out loud. The irony of this is completely off the charts. The most rude and slanderous president in history, the person who recently accused the previous president of a serious crime with absolutely no evidence to back it up, the person who has constantly been spreading lies about anyone opposing him, the person who mocked a disabled reporter and treats women like dirt, the person who thinks he gets to decide what is the truth, who peddles conspiracy theories straight from alt-right fake news sites but calls actual, serious news outlets "fake news", the person who calls media representatives "enemies of the American people" and consistently sends members of his administration to tell manipulative lies to media, that person asks the media to "be nice"? Wow. Let me repeat something from the Twitter comment field, where @realDonaldTrump obviously never looks:
It is amazing how rude President Trump is to our very hard working media representatives. Be nice, you will do much better!
The job of the media representatives is to disseminate information and call BS when they see it. I think they are doing just great. We are way past being nice, and it is a situation entirely of your own making, Mr. President*. Or, to put it in smaller words you can understand: Trump fail, 100%. Sad!