Thursday, March 23, 2017

Republican Defects over Republican Defects

The Republican Party is imploding before our eyes. Today, we saw their first official casualty.

Hawaii's former Republican leader Beth Fukumoto announced her resignation, not from Congress, but from the Republican party. When she announced her decision, by a candid speech on YouTube, she said she wanted to officially join the Democrats, because she could no longer agree with the Republican party line in terms of where they are trying to take her country. She concluded her speech with saying that she wanted to "stand up for something better", and encouraged others to join her.

While her GOP colleagues either run around like headless chicken trying to defend their president or themselves, or try to keep a low profile and wait out the storm, Beth Fukumoto did a very brave thing today and quit. She will not give up her seat in the House of Representatives, which means she is literally defecting and joining the resistance. This is a PR disaster for the GOP.