Saturday, March 11, 2017

Next up: OMG Aliens!!!

Investigative journalists should rightfully be considered heroes for what they have done in recent weeks to dig into the many convoluted mysteries involving Russia and President* Trump. One tell-tale sign that they are on the right track, or at least closing in on something, is that the attempts at misdirection from Trump and his apologists are now rapidly becoming ever more outlandish and desperate.

A week ago, Trump finally realized that his old ghost story about Hillary Clinton being his constant adversary didn't work any more. Therefore, he invented another bogeyman lurking behind every corner: his evil nemesis Barack Obama. When that didn't stick either, he tried to dodge the fallout by asking for a congressional investigation into his baseless allegations, but instead he made matters worse. Congress took him both seriously and literally, and honored his request. The investigation is very unlikely to find any justification for the claims of Obama having ordered wire taps on his phones in Trump Tower, but it's quite likely to turn up even more dirt on Donald Trump, and soon.

Enter the right-wing conspiracy theorists. Sean Hannity, talk show host of Fox News infamy, scrambled to the rescue of a cornered President* Trump. Hannity now hilariously tries to push a fabricated story that the CIA was behind the interference with the 2016 election, and that they shifted the blame on Russia by leaving a false forensic trail. The idea is, of course, completely bonkers when you look at the facts. It's nothing more than a desperate last-ditch attempt to divert attention from a story that's starting to become really inconvenient. The fervent and categorical denials by the Trump administration of any ties whatsoever to Russia have been proven wrong on several points, which only adds to the feeling that they have something to hide.

What's next? The Pope? The UN? The Amish? UFO:s? Look out, liberal alien overlords are hiding behind the Moon, and tapping all the phones in Trump Tower using an army of clones that would all look exactly like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton if they weren't invisible! No, no, no, don't look over there, Russia is a ruse, Donald Trump has no connections to Russia, and neither does any of the people he works with. Well, maybe some of them, but OMG ALIENS!

Hint: it's not working.