Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Nothing Burger

The term "nothing burger" has been a popular expression for Republicans commenting on the various scandals surrounding the Trump presidency. Their claim that there's nothing to the accusations, that it's just talk and no substance, is becoming harder to defend with any credibility as time passes and new embarrassing facts emerge.

Instead, we see another "nothing burger" take shape: the achievements of the Trump administration.

None of the many lofty promises Donald Trump made during his campaign have materialized. Nothing he has tried to accomplish has worked out. Not even his high profile, urgent executive order on the travel ban has worked. Its second version has now been blocked by a court injunction, much like the first one, and it seems unlikely that it will ever be enacted.

President Trump is a nothing burger, an ignorant man without any real skills and no long term plan, a blabbering fool trying to pretend he has what it takes to be president. His scam is now falling apart, and it will end badly.