Tuesday, March 21, 2017

When fake news repent

Despite their strong right-leaning bias, Fox News still has at least a hint of a soul.

They have now taken judge Andrew Napolitano off the air and made a public retraction of his ludicrous statement that the British intelligence organization GCHQ are responsible for wire tapping of presidential candidate Trump, by order from President Obama.

The allegation emanated from the Russian state sponsored news channel RT, a propaganda source with no credibility whatsoever, and after it was run through the echo chamber of right-wing conspiracy theorists, Napolitano mentioned it on Fox. President* Trump immediately picked up on it and treated it as fact, because he had seen it on Fox, so it must be true. He referred to Napolitano as "a very talented legal mind". Napolitano has had a long and successful career, but after joining Fox in 2006 he has been going downhill and become a run-of-the-mill conspiracy theorist. His recent statement shows that he is prepared to go completely off the rails to defend an indefensible president.

Now that Fox has disavowed Napolitano and debunked his statement about GCHQ, the only source President* Trump can quote for his accusation is RT, Putin's propaganda outlet. A world leader who is that gullible is embarrassing and dangerous.