Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Buying Time

President* Trump is finished. There is absolutely no way he is going to get out of the deep hole he has dug for himself. What we are seeing now are his desperate attempts at buying another day, perhaps another week at a time with deflections, spin and more lies to cover up his previous lies.

What's the point? Why cling to an office that is now irrevocably tainted by lies and scandals, to the point where anything he might still succeed in doing will be revoked when he is gone? His brief stay in the Oval Office will be nothing but a shameful footnote in American history:
45th President of the United States: Trump, Donald J., Republican, served 2017-2017. Resigned in disgrace facing impeachment from Congress over charges of corruption, negligence of duty and collusion with a foreign power to tamper with the election process.
Why prolong the pain? He is a disgrace, a laughing stock, a disaster and a fraud. Just get out and get it over with, Mr. President*, and take your incompetent and harmful cabinet picks with you, so that the United States can start patching itself up.

Make America Work Again!