Monday, May 8, 2017

Waiting For the Hammer To Fall

Today, we will finally hear former Attorney General Sally Yates testify about the warnings she sent to the Trump administration about Michael Flynn - warnings which were strangely ignored. Donald Trump and his inept minions are reading the Republican party playbook on how to dodge an inconvenient truth and are trying to paint her as a staunch Democrat (Yates has been an apolitical career official for 20 years), blaming everything on Flynn (he could hardly have acted alone on the foreign policy talks he had with Russian intelligence officials) and trying to put as much distance as possible between Trump and Flynn (who were often seen taking the stage together during campaign rallies, with Flynn warming up the crowd for Trump by leading anti-Hillary chants like "lock her up").

The walls are closing in on President* Trump, slowly but steadily. Watch Sally Yate's testimony on major news networks at 2.30 PM EST.

Update: Yates said what we expected. Flynn was dirty, compromised by Russia. The Trump administration was made aware of it on several occasions by several people, but hired Flynn anyway and kept him on for too long.

One particularly interesting exchange was when she was asked if she had seen direct evidence of collusion between the Trump administration and Russian operatives. Her answer was "My response to that would require me to disclose classified information". That is a "yes", but we will not hear about it in a public setting. We can expect the real dirt to come out in a follow-up closed session hearing.

Donald Trump should be very afraid.